This is my Mom's favourite time of year. The leaves are burning with secret fire, the air has a crisp quality and, she says, spirits walk among us!
It is the one time of year you can be anyone or anything without judgment. Speaking to shadows won't get you committed. Seeking the ghost in the linen closet is more a pass-time than an exorcism.
I have dressed up before. On year I was Bolt. Another year I was a white wolf from the Mononoke Hime anime. (Really easy costume, BTW.) This year Mom is being a wolf and I think I'll just be me.
My Hallowe'en duties are hard enough. Since the end of September I've had to endure the most horrendous of trials! That is when Mom begins watching horror movies. As she sits on the edge of the couch, squealing in fright and spitting half-chewed popcorn around I hide my eyes under our blanket. She hugs me tight around the neck and tells me to tell her when the monster had finished plucking out the young, attractive teenager's eyeballs. NU-UH! I'm not looking either.