This might be the best time of the year because we start going for lots and lots of walks. The trees are greening. The way it starts is just fascinating. First a hazy mist of olive surrounds the branches but then soon it seems that something of substance is there. Then, before you can even blink, leaves unfurl and you know that the trees will make excellent summertine shade.
Spring cleaning is probably the only thing I don't like. Mom puts me outside and proceeds to scrub the house of all the familiar smells. She even washes the curtains! She complains that they smell of tofu miso - and whose fault is that? No one but her in this house likes tofu anyway!
We've already gotten a couple of kitten season calls. We want to help them all but we have to be prudent. So the humans say, anyhow. I am eager to get my paws on some kittens. I'll lick them and love them and bring them up to be the good little dogs that they aren't.