Have you ever seen anyone so tiny and cute?
Eva insists that is is one of her pitbull puppies from her time before rescue. She grooms and loves him. She is teaching him everything about being a dog. Poor Eva. One day she may learn that he is a cat (I think) and then she will be sad.
Our friends at Motor City Auto Repair found him. They love and protect animals. Little Kimba couldn't have chosen a better place to show up.
The point if my post today is that he is SO little. I mean, this tiny meezer mix wouldn't have had a chance without Motor City Auto Repair and a little help from Greta's Haven. People don't fix their animals because they have some vague idea of pedigree or, if a dog, AKC registry. I want people to understand that these things mean NOTHING. The AKC will register anything so long as their money is paid to them. They don't check bloodlines. They don't verify lineage! If I was going for fast money I could breed a Doberman to a Mastiff or a Dane and claim "King Doberman" on AKC papers. They wouldn't question it. They wouldn't bat an eyelash for the exploited dogs. This is wrong. It produces sickly dogs. It produces a market that shouldn't be with ignorant buyers waving their money.
But this is about meezer Kimba. He deserves a loving home with forever people. Don't buy into the hype of pedigree. Buy into the hype of rescue, doing good and making a difference. Kimba will thank you. Four million dogs and cats across the United States will thank you. Even exotic pets like bunnies, rats, lizards, snakes and hedgehogs will than you.
Please please please, adopt, not shop. We need you on our compassionate team.