They were both quite elderly for their species. Their lives were lived as they dicated; their wants and needs were met. Like any family we mourn and we move on.
I find myself contemplating inevitabilities now and then. There is a saying that the only sure things are death and taxes but I don't think that's true. I think come spring I'll shed a mountain of fur. I think that Adina will always knock crap off of the counter if there is crap to be knocked. I think that sunflowers will always be my favourite flowers in the summer.
Some things cannot be postponed or protested. Death and taxes, yeah, those will come. So will budding crocus and green blades of grass, laughter in the evening over a comedy show, kitten cuddles and parrot nibbles, the hoofbeats of a pony, the way the air smells after rain. Those are all inevitable. Life is very, very good.