First, this going to be very TMI for some people.
Second, it isn't Eva's fault, it is Mom's.
Tuesday, Eva was laying on the couch and complaining that her tummy hurt. Suddenly, her eyes opened really wide and she said, "I have to GO!"
But there was no where to go except the living room floor... so she did.
When Mom go home she walked in the door and said, "I smell dog poop." She cleaned it up and she wasn't angry at Eva but she was a little concerned.
Then it happened again on Wednesday. "I gotta GO!!!!" Eva howled. She managed to squirm through the cat door on the gate between the kitchen and living room. At least Mom only had to clean the linoleum that time!
Mom was concerned but then she figured out why Eva is having troubles. Mom switched our food. She knows that a fast switch can cause tummy troubles but she didn't think about it when she went to buy our kibble last time. The best food, Back to Basics, is quite a bit more expensive than the other two grain-free kibbles that Mom will also buy for us. Mom used up all the coupons that her friend Michelle sent her (Michelle is awesome, she runs Take Paws rescue) and so Mom decided to save $20 by purchasing the less expensive stuff.
Well, that was a mistake!
So Mom promised Eva never to switch our food that fast again. And she's going to buy the Back to Basics kibble to mix in with the other stuff until it is gone. Eva's tummy should be back to normal in no time!