Following Mom around the house, Mirage never lacks for questions. "Why do you wipe off the counters? Why is the vacuum so loud? Where does the toilet water go when you flush?" She even accosts Eva and I with her incessant thirst for knowledge. "Why do you chase your tail? How do dogs know they are dogs? Am I a dog? Where do kittens come from?" Of course, I was able to field that last question with aplomb. "Kittens, " I replied, "come from Kentucky."
Not even Adina can rely on peace when Mirage's thirst for knowledge strikes. "Why are your stripes made of spots? Are all sun-beams yours, or only the ones you find first? Is this stuff were are eating chicken or fish?"
The things that come out of that kitten's mouth are often surprising, usually thought inspiring and, almost always, funny. Such things can only come from the mouths of babes.