Mom says if they like the product they will post a link on the website. So stay tuned for updates (and maybe some pictures of my awesome physique!)
Update 3-27-10: I love love love the walky dog!!!! I finally get to run and zoom like a husky dog should. Mom can almost keep up with me on her bike. You should see her lame attempts to let me run when she takes me jogging with her. Her fastest sprint barely gets me in a trot. Seriously - how did you humans manage to avoid going extinct? You're not exactly the swiftest runners or the best fighters.
One note - Eva is sort of afraid of the bicycle. If you have a dog that isn't sure, go slowly and give plenty of praise. You can even give a frightened dog small bits of treat while you go, just don't go faster than the dog can walk and be careful not to give large treats or a large amount of small treats. You don't your dog to get a tummy ache or - worse - bloat.